JYRO – SB20240916 – Removal of Vectran 300 Line (V300) Option for SLeia Parachute | November 21, 2024 |
Fluid Wings – Mandatory Maintenance Inspection 24-400-001 | March 12, 2024 |
Butler Parachutes – SB2023-01 – High Altitude Systems, AAD Arming Housing | April 18, 2023 |
SAFRAN – ATOM-25-003 – Crimping of cutaway handle sheath on harness-container | January 5, 2022 |
CYPRES – Maximum Altitude | December 17, 2021 |
Firebird USA – Memorandum regarding the review of the Firebird USA LLC, harness dislocation issue | September 15, 2021 |
Firebird – FB 2021-01 – Firebird V1R1 EVO Harness container systems with adjustable Main Lift Web | September 15, 2021 |
Strong Enterprises – SB#35 – Tandem Drogue Bridle 3-Ring Attachment Inspection | April 27, 2021 |
PIA – PSB-10092020 – After-Market Tandem Main Risers constructed with obsolete RW2 rings | September 10, 2020 |
Australian Parachute Fed Equipment Standards and Service Bulletins | November 1, 2019 |
Firebird – FB 2019-01 – Reserve pin ripcord assemblies on Firebird EVO Harness Containers | March 30, 2019 |
Advanced Aerospace Designs – PSB-02-2018 – Vigil Mandatory Inspection | October 23, 2018 |
Sunrise Manufacturing International 081018 RSL with Reserve Boost Mard (Main Assist Reserve Deployment) | October 10, 2018 |
Tubular Retainer Band Failures | August 3, 2018 |
ParachuteSystems SB_2018-01 D-Bag bridle | July 19, 2018 |
Advanced Aerospace Designs – PSB 01-2018 – Firmware Update and High Altitude Jumps | April 19, 2018 |
Aerodyne Research – FAQ Related to SB121817 | December 18, 2017 |
Aerodyne Research SB121817 – Aerodyne Semi-stowless Deployment Bag Replacement Program | December 18, 2017 |
SIFE SB2017001 Compliance with the Instructions of SIFE’s Owner Manual | September 6, 2017 |
Airsports Product Service Bulletin AS-001- RSL Mini Snap Shackles | August 1, 2017 |
Advanced Aerospace Designs -ADV-01-2017 – Battery Replacement | January 30, 2017 |
CYPRES Newsletter Service Life extension | January 26, 2017 |
Parachute Systems -PSB #2016-02 – Reserve pin protector flap snag possibility on UPT style RSL/SkyHook pin | November 16, 2016 |
Rigging Innovations – SB1559 – Termination of Support | November 1, 2016 |
MarS a.s. 02/09/2016 m2 AAD Cutter Replacement | September 30, 2016 |
SIFE 04/2016 Possibility of a hesitation during the reserve opening sequence in combination with a RAX-RSL system | September 26, 2016 |
Zodiac Aerosafety Systems – BS-ATOM-25-002 Sticky cordura in container | July 11, 2016 |
Press Release – Cypres Maintenance turns from mandatory to highly recommended | April 28, 2016 |
Vigil Information Bulletin – Battery Replace Reminder | April 27, 2016 |
Apex Base – SB#SSR-4-16-01 – 3-ring risers with stainless steel rings | April 19, 2016 |
Spekon – AD #2016-0042-E – RE-5L Serie 5+ Emergency Bailout Parachute | March 3, 2016 |
Parachute Systems – PSB #2016-01-Update2 – Correction to Original Bulletin PSB#2016-01 | February 24, 2016 |
Parachute Systems – PSB #2016-01-Update – DSF Stainless Steel Hardware on Vortex Harness Containers | January 11, 2016 |
Parachute Systems – PSB #2016-01- Stainless Steel Mini Base Ring | January 4, 2016 |
Advanced Aerospace Designs – AAD nv/sa PSB 01-2015 – Vigil Cutters manufactured March 2015 – July 2015 | November 9, 2015 |
Parachute Systems PSB2015-01 – Bartacking of RSL/Sky Hook Lanyard | September 16, 2015 |
United Parachute Technologies PSB2015-01 – Excessive Urethane Coating on Spectra Reserve Ripcord | June 24, 2015 |
Aerazur Freebag 01/2015 Parachutes de France | March 2, 2015 |
Zodiac Aerosafety Systems – SB ATOM-25-001 -Cordura Fabric/Reserve Container | February 25, 2015 |
Zodiac Aerosafety Systems – SB740-27-001- Reserve Parachute Opening Device for Dual Parachutes 740-1 and 740-2 | June 16, 2014 |
Strong Enterprises SB34 Approved components for use in any Strong Tandem system | June 1, 2014 |
Safety Alert for Operators SAFO 14003 EAD on Basik Air Concepts Parachutes | May 15, 2014 |
MarS a.s. 10/11/2013 Error Messages – Inspection of m2 (AAD) | November 11, 2013 |
Vigil PSB-10 14 Hour Automatic Shutdown | June 14, 2013 |
Vigil PSB-9 Waterproof Inspection of Vigil Multimode | June 14, 2013 |
Velocity Sports Equipment VSESB001 Main Riser, Locking Loop Wear | June 1, 2013 |
Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin NE-13-35 Basik Air Concept | May 30, 2013 |
Sun Path Products Service Bulletin #SPSB009-Recall of PS70104 housings | May 23, 2013 |
United Parachute Technologies SB #20132005-Retractable Y Strap-Student Harness | May 20, 2013 |
United Parachute Technologies SB #20121106-Reserve Staging Loop | February 12, 2013 |
Sun Path Products Service Bulletin SPSB008 Release cable trimming. See diagram | February 8, 2013 |
CYPRES 2 Service Bulletin C2 0113 Mandatory before each jump | January 31, 2013 |
CYPRES 2 Follow up of Service Bulletin C2 0113 | July 1, 2013 |
CYPRES 2 Follow up of Service Bulletin C2 0113 | December 1, 2013 |
Emergency Airworthiness Directive-Basik Air Concept | December 28, 2012 |
Sun Path Products Service Bulletin SPSB007 Soft Ripcord Pad/Handle | September 27, 2012 |
Strong Enterprises SB33 Aerodyne Tandem Main Canopy “A2” Sizes: 350, 370 and 389 use in the Dual Hawk Tandem System | August 9, 2012 |
Aerazur – SB25-63-02 – ATOM Tandem 740-1 | July 13, 2012 |
Parachute Systems -PS 04202012 Reserve Lower Steering Lines & Reserve Toggles | May 2, 2012 |
Strong Enterprises SB32 Icarus 364, 365 and 400 main canopies use in the Dual Hawk Tandem System | February 2, 2012 |
Precision Aerodynamics SB111214 Flight Trim Check for Xaos-27 Series canopies made between OCT 2010 and APR 2011 | December 14, 2011 |
United Parachute Technologies SB #20111109 – Inspection of top diagonal attachment point on all Sigma Sport Tandem Systems | November 9, 2011 |
Vigil PSB-8 Vigil Cutters | October 20, 2011 |
Vigil PSB-7 Vigil cutters | October 4, 2011 |
Royal Military Academy Preliminary Report – Vigil AAD | October 3, 2011 |
Sun Path Products Final Report; Service Bulletin SPSB006- Argus AAD | September 21, 2011 |
Argus Service Bulletin SB AMMO050811 Immediate and Mandatory Cutter Replacement | August 6, 2011 |
Mirage Systems Service Bulletin 06-11-2 Installation & Use of AAD | June 24, 2011 |
Mirage Systems Service Bulletin – Rescission of SB 3/24/2011 | June 24, 2011 |
United Parachute Technologies Service Bulletin #20110523 Inspection of the top diagonal attachment point on all Vector 3 Sport and SE Student Harness/Container Systems. | May 23, 2011 |
Argus – SB AMMO050910/4 – Argus Cutters Manufactured till August 2007 | May 5, 2011 |
Airtec Rigging Safety Notice – Use of CYPRES loop with other AADs | April 21, 2011 |
Aerazur Service Bulletin | April 12, 2011 |
Aerazur – SPP/2011/01 – Lack of information concerning incidents/accidents recently documented. | April 8, 2011 |
British Parachute Association Safety Notice | April 8, 2011 |
Argus Service Bulletin Email | April 6, 2011 |
Regarding the April 2008 CYPRES 2 Service Bulletin | April 4, 2011 |
IPC/FAI Bulletin | March 31, 2011 |
Altico Cancellation of Service Bulletin – Argus AAD | March 29, 2011 |
Strong Enterprises Service Bulletin #31 Argus AAD | March 29, 2011 |
APF TD 01-2011 Issued March 28, 2011 Argus AAD | March 28, 2011 |
Aerodyne Research Service Bulletin #250311 Argus AAD | March 25, 2011 |
Firebird GmbH Service Bulletin 06/2011 Argus AAD | March 25, 2011 |
Basik Air Concept Service Bulletin – Argus AAD | March 25, 2011 |
Dutch Parachute Association Service Bulletin 2011-03 Argus AAD | March 25, 2011 |
New Zealand PIA Safety Directive 1/2011 Argus AAD | March 24, 2011 |
Mirage Systems Service Bulletin 03‐11 Argus AAD | March 24, 2011 |
Altico Service Bulletin -032411 Argus AAD | March 24, 2011 |
Parachute Systems Service Bulletin PSSB0003 Argus AAD | March 23, 2011 |
United Parachute Technologies Service Bulletin 20110322 AAD | March 22, 2011 |
Sun Path Products Service Bulletin SPSB006 Argus AAD | March 22, 2011 |
Parachutes Australia Service Bulletin SB1101 Argus AAD | March 22, 2011 |
Rigging Innovations Service Bulletin 1548 Argus AAD | March 21, 2011 |
Aerodyne Systems Aerospace SB140111 Icon Skyhook Riser Tuck Tab Modification | January 14, 2011 |
APF Technical Directive – Argus AAD | December 17, 2010 |
Argus – SB AMMO050910/3 – Extended period for mandatory cutter replacement | December 7, 2010 |
Argus – SB AMMO071210/1 – Substandard loop washers | December 7, 2010 |
BPA Safety Notice – Argus AAD – Additional information | November 26, 2010 |
CYPRES Disc Update | November 22, 2010 |
BPA Safety Notice – Argus AAD | November 17, 2010 |
APF Technical Directive – Argus AAD | November 15, 2010 |
APF History of Events – Argus AAD | November 11, 2010 |
Rigging Safety Notice from Airtec | October 29, 2010 |
Product Service Bulletin AMMO050910/2 Argus Cutter | September 5, 2010 |
Parachutes Australia SB1001 Thinback and Slimpack 2 Ripcord Housing Clamp | August 9, 2010 |
Skydiver Advisory | March 31, 2010 |
Airworthiness Directive – Argus | February 1, 2010 |
Fallschirmbau Buchsein/Hermesdorf – SB1/2010 – During tensile testing on parachute primary actuation devices the ripcord pins have been found to be insufficiently fixed to the ripcord cable. | January 15, 2010 |
Paratec PSB 01-2009 Cutter Buffer to protect cutter and grommets and to gain cosmetic appearance of rig | November 11, 2009 |
Vigil Cutters Type 3 PSB-5 | October 10, 2009 |
List of Vigil II supplied with Cutter DOM:12-07-2 | October 10, 2009 |
List of Cutters with DOM:12-07-2 | October 10, 2009 |
Aerodyne Systems Aerospace SB25062009 Icon S7, S8 and S9 Student rigs | June 25, 2009 |
Parachutes Australia SB0901 3-Ring Riser Inspection | February 26, 2009 |
Sun Path Products Inc. SPSB005 Hip Ring and 4 Ring Main Lift Web Iinspections | February 3, 2009 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1545 Approval of Vigil 2 AAD into Rigging Innovations harness and container systems | January 15, 2009 |
Strong Enterprises SB30 Military Tandem Tether Bundle System, (MTTB) | October 3, 2008 |
Strong Enterprises SB29 Argus Automatic Activation Device (AAD) | October 2, 2008 |
Strong Enterprises SB28 Vigil II Automatic Activation Device | October 2, 2008 |
FAA SAIB NE-08-29 update | June 26, 2008 |
FAA SAIB NE-08-29 – Vigil Parachute Automatic Activation Device | June 17, 2008 |
APF Statement – Vigil AAD | June 17, 2008 |
CASA AD update – 12 June 2008 | June 12, 2008 |
BPA Safety Notice – Vigil Parachute Automatic Activation Device | May 29, 2008 |
CASA AD – Vigil Parachute Automatic Activation Device | May 22, 2008 |
DGAC Safety Notice – Vigil Parachute Automatic Activation Device | May 20, 2008 |
CYPRES 2 Service Bulletin C2 0408 Recall of certain CYPRES 2 units | April 21, 2008 |
Sunrise Manufacturing Inc. Service Bulletin #08325 Mid-flap stiffener update and main packing addendum | March 31, 2008 |
Slippage Testing Report | March 14, 2008 |
Aerodyne Systems Aerospace SB210108 Icon Container Alternate AAD Cutter Position | January 25, 2008 |
Service bulletin from AIRTEC C1/2 0108 Neccessary actions in case of an unsuccessful or incomplete selftest, Cypres1 and Cypres2. | January 22, 2008 |
Aerodyne Systems Aerospace SB271107 Icon Container Grommet Inspection | November 27, 2007 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1544 Aviator container side gusset Velcro modification | August 29, 2007 |
Basik Air Concept SBAV070718 Advance Tandem system T1 and T2 | July 18, 2007 |
Paratec PSB-PT-01-07_Cypres Cutter relocation on harness/container systems | February 15, 2007 |
Aviacom SA – SB AMM290506/1 – Recalled units | January 30, 2007 |
Aviacom SA – SB AMM021206/2 – Mandatory cutter replacement | December 11, 2006 |
Notice from Paratec | July 31, 2006 |
Parachutes de France – SB06/001 – During dummy tests, a slow deployment of a TECHNO 240-B has been detected. | June 8, 2006 |
Strong Parachutes Service Bulletins | June 2, 2006 |
Parachutes de France – SB06/002 – Emergency canopy TECHNO 240-B only. Part Number : R 01-240-B | April 21, 2006 |
Parachutes de France – SB06/001 – Voilure de Sauvetage P512 (P/N 2004710600) | January 11, 2006 |
Sun Path Products Inc. SPSB004 Possible substandard urethane coating on RED 1000d Cordura. | December 12, 2005 |
Basik air concept SB051101 Harness-Container Advance | November 3, 2005 |
Basik air concept SB050801 Advance Harness-Container | August 16, 2005 |
Performance Variable – SB-O-200501 – One or more Lines were entangled with main container flap No. 2 | July 18, 2005 |
PARACHUTES DE FRANCE SB05/001 Emergency Canopy Packers | June 2, 2005 |
Relative Workshop – PSB230505 – Performance Designs SB002 – Inspection of Tandem VTCIII reserves (VR360) A Line Attachments and Steering Lines | May 23, 2005 |
Aerodyne Systems Aerospace SB110305 Icon Harness Container Cutaway Cable and Cable Housing | March 11, 2005 |
JumpShack Safety Notice | January 25, 2005 |
Mirage PSB1204 AAD location change | December 1, 2004 |
PARACHUTES DE FRANCE SB04-003 Metal Cutaway Handles for Tandem / MMS Ref: P2010167600 & P1010167600 | September 15, 2004 |
Parachutes de France – SB04/002 – A Deformation of the Polyamide Plate of the deflector flap may occur near the sewing that binds the deflector flap to the container | August 23, 2004 |
Paratec – TSB – PT 080904 – Reserve Ripcord Pin with round swaging of Single Reserve Harness/Container System | August 9, 2004 |
Sunpath Javelin SP03 – Adjustable Main Lift Web Harnesses | July 19, 2004 |
Aerodyne Systems Aerospace SB071204 All Icon Harness and Containers | July 12, 2004 |
Rigging Innovations SB 1541 Aviator steering toggles | July 12, 2004 |
Vigil – SB1 – Vigil AAD Ground Activation Due to Static Electricity | March 31, 2004 |
Parachutes de France – SB2/2003 – All Reserve Canopies | December 19, 2003 |
Relative Workshop PSB#20031203 Skyhook RSL | December 3, 2003 |
Parachutes De France SA – SB1/2003/TECH240 – Maximum operating conditions are no longer reached | July 28, 2003 |
Sunpath Products SP02 Mandatory Inspection | July 22, 2003 |
Parachutes De France BS_01-2003 Apply Capewell’s Service Bulletin Number CW03-01 | July 18, 2003 |
Capewell Service Bulletin #CW03-01 Capewell Supplied Pins and Ripcords | July 15, 2003 |
AERODYNE SYSTEMS (PISA) SB2003072 Ripcord Pins | July 2, 2003 |
Mirage Systems SB28040301 Soft Reserve Ripcord Recall | April 28, 2003 |
FXC Corporation SBFXC Model 12000 “Mandatory” Upgrade | March 1, 2002 |
NZ Aerosports – SB20011025 – Line-trim Adjustment | October 25, 2001 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1540 Voodoo 2.0 Update | June 12, 2001 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1539 RSL Sleeve | December 1, 2000 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1538 Main Risers | July 18, 2000 |
Altico SB060700 Stiffener in Top Flap of Dolphin Main Container | June 7, 2000 |
Sun Path Products, Inc. SPSB03032000 Revision B Main Closing Loop Retainer – Grommet Protection | May 1, 2000 |
Relative Workshop – PSB #20000302 – Main Container Closing Loop Retainer | March 2, 2000 |
Relative Workshop – Important Announcement regarding PSB #20000302 | February 18, 2009 |
Flightline Systems FSI-SB-1005 rev (1) Reflex All Container Grommets | February 7, 2000 |
Flightline Systems FSI-SB-1004 Reflex Main Container Closing Grommets | January 16, 2000 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1537 Telesis 1 Reserve Risers Sleeve | July 21, 1999 |
Parachutes Australia SB9803 Hobbit Lower Steering Lines | November 1, 1998 |
Parachutes Australia SB9802 Airforce-120 Reserve Line Lengths | November 1, 1998 |
Parachutes Australia SB9801 ’94 Talon Main Container Closing Loop Position | September 15, 1998 |
Relative Workshop PSB#091098 Amp Fitting (with grommet) on Breakaway Housing | September 10, 1998 |
Parachutes Australia SB9702 Pigmee Ram-Air Reserve Freebag Upgrade | July 1, 1998 |
Relative Workshop PSB#010177 Old Rigs | December 1, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1535 Telesis / FXC Model 12000 Reserve Activation Check | October 24, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1534 Telesis / FXC Model 12000 Reserve Activation Check | October 24, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1533 BOC Ripcord Housing Retrofit | September 12, 1997 |
Strong Enterprises SB23 Disconnection of the RSL | September 9, 1997 |
Relative Workshop PSB#071897 Proper Deactivation of the RSL on a Tandem Vector | July 18, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1532 Velcro-Less Toggles Brake Hang-Ups | July 7, 1997 |
Thomas Sports Equipment Limited – SB297/TSE – TSE T17 Reserved Riser | May 28, 1997 |
Thomas Sports Equipment Limited – SB197/TSE – T17 Reserve Riser Closing Loop | April 29, 1997 |
Parachutes Australia SB9701 Slimpack 1 Model S3 Closing Loops | February 1, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1531 Talon/Telesis Reserve Bag Design Updates | January 1, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1530 ’94 Talon & Flexon 3-Ring Hard Housing Retrofit | January 1, 1997 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1529 Telesis SOS Ripcord Mod | January 1, 1997 |
Flightline Systems FSI-SB-1003 Reflex Main Riser Cover | December 27, 1996 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1527 ’94 Talon RSL Pocket Mod | July 21, 1995 |
Strong Enterprises SB20 Stellar Reserve Canopy Recall | May 4, 1995 |
Parachutes Australia SB9403 Line Stowage Bands for Diapers on PA Equipment | August 1, 1994 |
Strong Enterprises SB18 Reserve ripcords with Soldered Tips On Cable Extensions | May 26, 1994 |
Parachutes Australia SB9401 S18 RSL Retro-Fit | May 1, 1994 |
Strong Enterprises SB17 Stiffener to Reinforce CYPRES AAD | March 11, 1994 |
Parachutes Australia SB9302 S18 Inspection for Security of the Stiffener Plate | August 18, 1993 |
Parachutes Australia SB9301 Hobbit Reserve Slider | August 18, 1993 |
Relative Workshop PSB#081893 Recommended Lifetime on Vector Tandem Components | August 18, 1993 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1523 Antron Fabric Weave Separation | April 27, 1993 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1515 Telesis Product Improvement Mods | January 1, 1993 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1517 Talon Product Improvement Mods | January 1, 1993 |
Parachutes Australia SB9203 Pigmee Red Handle (Reserve Ripcord) Proof Test | November 16, 1992 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1521 Reserve Container Bartacks Talon P/N 4111-( ) & Telesis P/N 4113-( ) | September 30, 1992 |
Strong Enterprises SB16 Specific 3-D Rings Grounded | July 15, 1992 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1513 RevA Skyhook Reserve Pilotchute | June 22, 1992 |
Parachutes Australia SB9202 Slimpacks and Thinbacks With Rapide Links | June 10, 1992 |
Relative Workshop – PSB09307 – Vector I & Vector II Reserve Pilot Chute Spring Compression Force Test | January 21, 1991 |
Strong Enterprises SB15 DHT Drogue Bridle | January 8, 1992 |
Parachutes Australia – SB9101 – Emergency & Reserve Parachute Ripcord Recall | December 1, 1991 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1511 Talon MK-1 Reserve Pilotchute Cap Plastic – P/N 2231-( ) | January 6, 1991 |
Strong Enterprises SB12 DHT Drogue Bridle Pin | December 7, 1990 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1509 RSL Lanyard Length-Talon/Telesis/Classic | December 1, 1990 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1507 Reserve Freebag Safety Stow Lengths | November 19, 1990 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1503 Talon Classic Upper Leg Strap Modification | November 1, 1990 |
Relative Workshop – PSB080188 – Check for Incorrectly Peened Rivets on Quick Ejectors | August 1, 1988 |
Parachutes Australia SB8802 Thinback/Slimpack Sticky Pack Material | July 1, 1988 |
Parachutes Australia SB8803 Emergency & Reserve Parachute Ripcord Recall | July 1, 1988 |
Strong Enterprises SB11 DHT Drogue Riser | May 16, 1988 |
Rigging Innovations Inc. SB1505 Talon Reserve Container Bottom Stiffener | January 1, 1988 |
Parachutes Australia SB8702 S18 Two Up Modification No. 2 | April 1, 1987 |
Relative Workshop – PSB071785 – Stabilizer Modification to Vector Tandem Canopies | July 17, 1985 |
Relative Workshop – PSB071085 – Replace Plastic Disk Slider Stop with Metal Washer | July 10, 1985 |
Relative Workshop Wonderhog PEB000079 Plastic Ripcords | March 24, 1979 |