Member Awards
Parachute & Skydiving awards presented by PIA
The vitality of an organization is built upon the contribution of its members and PIA is a testament to this. Throughout PIA’s history, various members have contributed time and resources to advance the organization.
The Parachute Industry Association recognizes its members for contributions to both the organization and the parachuting industry at large.
The following awards have been created to recognize these contributions.

PIA Don Beck Memorial Achievement Award
The highest PIA award is often a surprise and may be presented at the International Parachute Symposium. “Don Beck Memorial” was added to the title of the award in 1988.
Eligibility: For parachute or skydiving achievements that have withstood the test of time.
Click here to nominate a person for this award.
Click to view past Don Beck Memorial Achievement recipients.

PIA Distinguished Leadership Award
PIA’s second most prestigious award was created in 2001.
Eligibility: In recognition of individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the parachute industry or the Parachute Industry Association.

PIA Member of the Year
This award was created by majority vote of the plenary session in 1993. This award was eliminated by majority vote of the plenary session in 1995. Re-established in 2003.
Eligibility: Presented to the PIA member who has been instrumental in promoting projects for PIA.
Travis Flint – February 21, 2020

Dave DeWolf Mentor Award
The PIA Mentor Award recognizes people throughout the parachute industry who have contributed to the knowledge base and skill sets of other individuals within the industry by investing in other people through the sharing of their time, knowledge, education and skills over extended periods of time. This investment may have been in a classroom environment, seminars, on-the-job training or on an individual basis. The award will be presented to living recipients at a parachute industry event. It could be presented at a regular PIA meeting, the international parachute symposium or other related industry event. Other event locations, for example, might be a USPA event at a local drop zone or meeting or an International Skydiving Museum event providing prior approval from the hosting organization is obtained. The award itself will be in the form of an engraved medallion or coin in a presentation box. Once approved, the presentation of the award can be made by any member in good standing of the Parachute Industry Association.

Honorary Lifetime PIA Membership
Awarded to a celebrity with a parachute or skydiving connection that has brought attention to the industry. Often awarded to the keynote speaker at the PIA Symposium. First created in 1997 to honor President George H.W. Bush in Houston.
Deadline date: July 1.

PIA Roll of Honor
This award was created at the September 2007 meeting. The Roll of Honor will be a permanent display at the Skydiving Museum once the museum is completed. We anticipate the exhibit to be more than just a plaque with the names. A permanent piece of art or statue with the names of Honorees engraved as a permanent record of their service to the organization. The Honorarium is to be $1000.00. The start-up funds set aside will be used to cover the initial cost of the exhibit. Future funds are to be used for the addition of names and as they accumulate to help with the operation of the Headquarters/Museum.
Eligibility: Honorees shall include both civilian and military members who have been active supporters of the organization.

PIA Officer Plaques
The plaques were created in 1986.
Eligibility: Perpetual plaques shall be awarded to the PIA president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Each officer shall have his or her plate engraved. Each officer shall pass the perpetual plaque on to his or her successor.
Past Recipients: PIA president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
Submission procedures: None. These officers are elected by the membership.
Deadline date: None

Certificates of Appreciation
Certificates of Appreciation shall be submitted to the Awards Committee Chair on an as-needed basis.

Best Symposium Exhibit (Best Booth Award)
Eligibility: Exhibitor at the PIA International Parachute Symposium.
Awarded by: Parachute Industry Association (PIA).
Submission procedures: Judged by a committee selected by the Symposium Committee Chair and/or their designee. The winner is announced at the closing symposium banquet.
Deadline date: Last day of the PIA Symposium